June 27, 2024
Meal Replacement Market

Meal Replacement Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Advancement in Nutritional Formulations

These products are fortified with various vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to meet the daily nutritional requirements of a balanced diet. The use of meal replacements is gaining popularity as they allow for portion control and are convenient for people having a busy lifestyle or looking for weight management options.

The global meal replacement market is estimated to be valued at US$ 14.01 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.6% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.

Key Takeaways

Key players operating in the meal replacement market are Abbott Laboratories, Amway, Atkins, Blue Diamond Growers, General Mills, Glanbia Plc, Herbalife Nutrition, Huel, Kellogg Co., Nestle, Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc., Slimfast, Soylent, Unilever, Usana Health Sciences Inc., Wild Oats Markets., Zoic Pharmaceuticals, Laboratoire PYC, Bariatrix Europe, and Kisan Products. These players are focusing on developing nutritious and natural formulations to cater to changing customer preferences.

The key opportunities in the Meal Replacement Market Growth include growing demand for plant-based, gluten-free, and organic products. Manufacturers are launching varied product portfolios with customized nutritional profiles to target different customer segments like diabetics, weight watchers etc. Advances in nutrient delivery systems along with inclusion of protein sources like pea, rice and hemp are allowing manufacturers to offer products suited for diverse dietary needs and lifestyles.

Technological advancements in formulation of hydrolyzed proteins with improved digestibility along with micronutrient delivery systems are aiding manufacturers to offer highly bioavailable products. This is supporting the enhanced absorption of essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients needed to meet daily values from a single serving of meal replacement.

Market drivers

The fast-paced lifestyle has increased the demand for convenient nutrition solutions. Meal replacements allow users to replace an entire meal with a single serving product, saving time on meal preparation. Further, increased health awareness and focus on weight management are propelling the adoption of meal replacements as they help in portion control and managing calorie intake. Marketing strategies adopted by key players and availability of varied product offerings across retail channels are positively impacting the sales of meal replacement products.

Current challenges in the Meal Replacement Market:

The meal replacement market is facing challenges around preferences of consumers who are favoring fresh foods over packaged or processed foods. With rising awareness about healthy eating and clean labels, consumers scrutinize ingredients lists more closely and prefer limited or no artificial ingredients. Launching new products with a very short and simple ingredients list focused on natural nutrients can help address this challenge. Retaining customers over the long term is also a hurdle, as eating substitutes for every meal may not be sustainable or desirable to all. Offering flexible options for occasional or periodic meal replacements can make products more appealing.

SWOT Analysis

Strength: Nutritionally complete formulas provide balanced macro and micronutrients. Shelf stable products are convenient to store and consume on the go.

Weakness: High price point limits accessibility. Some products have an artificial or processed taste/texture that detracts from enjoyment.

Opportunity: Growing trends in healthy eating and on-demand lifestyles support demand. Innovation in natural/organic options and varied flavors/formats can attract new customers.

Threats: Increased snacking erodes demand for full meal replacements. Competing diet plans emphasize whole foods over packaged substitutes.

Geographical regions where market is concentrated:

North America currently accounts for the largest share of the global meal replacement market, supported by rising obesity levels and busy lifestyles in countries like the United States. Europe is another major regional market, led by health-conscious consumers in numerous Western European nations actively seeking nutritional meal solutions.

Fastest growing region:

The Asia Pacific region is projected to experience the fastest growth in the meal replacement market during the forecast period. Heavy urbanization, growing health awareness, and expanding bases of working women adopting convenience foods are fueling market expansion across developing Asian countries like India and China. Exposure to Western diet trends also influences rising demand.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public Source, Desk Research
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