June 29, 2024
Softgel Capsule

Softgel Capsules: The Flexible Delivery Method for Nutritional Supplements

What are Softgel Capsules?

Softgel capsules, also known as softgels, are gelatin-based delivery vehicles for nutritional supplements, vitamins, and other active ingredients. Unlike traditional two-piece gelatin capsules, softgels have a soft, flexible outer shell made of gelatin or a sugar derivative that dissolves quickly in the stomach. The outer shell encloses a liquid or semisolid inner fill containing the active ingredients.

Softgel Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process for softgels involves melting down gelatin or a vegetable-derived hydrocolloid under precise temperature and humidity controls. The plasticized gelatin is then poured into molds along with the liquid or semisolid inner fill formulation. The mold cavities are sealed and the gelatin allowed to set and solidify, forming flexible shells around the inner cores. Quality checks ensure each Softgel Capsule dissolves properly and contains the labeled dosage. Finished softgels may be film coated or left as is.

Benefits of the Softgel Formulation

Compared to traditional two-piece gelatin capsules or compressed tablets, softgel capsules offer several key benefits:

Enhanced Absorption – The thin, soluble outer shell allows for faster gastric emptying and absorption of actives in the small intestine. This promotes quicker onset of effects.

Superior Palatability – Softer textures and lack of potentially unpleasant tastes make softgels more appealing to swallow than pills. They also contain no artificial flavors.

Improved Stability – The airtight barrier prevents degradation from air, moisture and light, allowing sensitive ingredients to retain potency for longer.

Accommodate Both Lipophilic and Hydrophilic Actives – Softgels can deliver both oil- and water-based formulations, providing flexibility in product development.

Reduced Burden on Digestive System – The gelatin shell protects ingredients from stomach acid and dissolves gently instead of undergoing abrupt disintegration like tablets.

Customizable Formulations – Manufacturers can precisely load varied compositions and amounts of ingredients into each softgel.

Popular Ingredients Delivered via Softgel

Given their advantages over other oral delivery formats, softgels have become the preferred vehicle for many nutraceuticals, dietary supplements and herbal extracts:

Fish Oil – Highly unstable omega-3 fatty acids are optimally protected and absorbed from softgels.

Probiotics – These beneficial bacteria survive the journey through stomach acid intact inside softgel shells.

CoQ10 – The oil-soluble, light-sensitive antioxidant is shielded from degradation factors.

Turmeric Extract – Softgels enable effective delivery of curcumin, the active constituent in turmeric.

Melatonin – The sleep-regulating hormone dissolves smoothly from softgels for reliable effects.

Ginkgo Biloba – The delicate leaf extracts retain therapeutic properties when encapsulated.

Softgel Technology Innovations

Continued advancement in softgel manufacturing has given rise to enhanced formulations:

– Quick-dissolve/fast-melt softgels rapidly dissolve in the oral cavity for convenient dosing without water.

– Multi-layer softgels contain tailored internal structures to sequentially deliver multiple actives.

– Enteric-coated softgels are film-coated to postpone dissolution until reaching the small intestine.

– Vegetable-derived softgels provide non-GMO, vegan alternatives to gelatin shells.

Softgel Advantage in the Nutraceutical Industry

Softgel capsule encapsulation technology delivers clear performance benefits that make this delivery system the first choice for many nutraceutical ingredients and dietary supplements. Attributes like faster absorption, superior palatability, ingredient protection and formulation versatility ensure softgels continue playing an indispensable role in the health and wellness arena.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public Source, Desk Research
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